As rents get steeper and apartments get smaller, the need for more space in your kitchen is now a necessity. This is where functional decor comes into play; it’s decor but with a purpose. 

Now let’s be honest, we’ve all gone through that Marie Condo phase when we thought we needed nothing, and everything seemed cluttered. We spent hours cleaning, organizing and throwing things away just to somehow wind up back at square one. But, truth be told, if you want to organize your space successfully, you have to take inventory of what you own, what you use, and what brings you joy! 

You should also consider how you or your family actually uses the kitchen. You need to make it work for you first, then think about how easy it would be to maintain because it doesn’t just have to look pretty; it must also be functional. 

Some things to think about when trying to consider a DIY:

  • How much time will you spend there?
  • How much storage do you need?
  • What tasks would you want to make easier?
  • What do you or your family use the most?
  • What’s the most convenient or intuitive flow?
  • Do you have kids who will be using the space?

These questions help you DIY for your space, making those custom solutions that fit your needs the best. And here are our two cents on the projects you could and should take on: 

  • Organize by use

We’ve all collectively agreed that the first drawer you intuitively open should be where the utensils are, right? Maybe it’s just me, but using that same intuition in the other areas of your kitchen could be just as applicable, for example, having your spices and oils closer to the stove. Or having your coffee pods closer to the machine etc. Here are some projects that are easy to attempt with little effort: 

If you pack a lunch for your kids, have an accessible drawer with anything and everything you need to make those mornings super quick. 

If you love cooking with flavours from all over, a spice rack or drawer could be one of the easiest DIYs. All you need is the bottles that could be easily found and some cute labels; you could design them, print them yourself, and voila! Here are some examples to give it an extra something:

For those extra aesthetic drawers: 

For those who want to utilize the wall space and have their creations be on display: 

For those who want to make every inch of every space count: 

  • Turn your storage space into art 

I always struggle with putting up art in my kitchen space, something that’s on theme but won’t make me hungry constantly or something just right; it’s a tricky balance to strike. 

Here are some cute ideas that would not only utilize that wall space but look just like decor: 

For one who is always asking Alexa what is 1litre to millilitre, I know that’s an easy one, but when you’re in the zone of making that scrumptious bread, who wants to do math?

Or the one who cannot tell the difference between almond flour and regular flour, I mean they look the same…

Or the one who will most likely want to grow their own herbs and then stop watering them soon enough. 

  • Store in the drawer on the drawer and outside the drawer 

I know people say think outside the box all the time but have you thought about what’s on the box? That’s some space you haven’t thought about. So here are some ways to utilize your cabinets inside out: 

Hang a towel on the outside using a removable towel rack or hook

Or add a wire rack for your pot lids.

Or to tuck away your cutting boards for easy access. 

  • Adding vertical space 

With small spaces, square footage is a significant downside, but walls aren’t; this is where you put your creative hat on and take over the wall space to make it your own. Add shelving to place your beautiful kitchen accessories on display; this is a great way to keep yourself organized as you would have to make it look clean since it’s on display, plus added storage for your most-used items. 

And lastly, using vertical space to hang your fresh produce, which adds all the life and colour to your space while decluttering your drawers.

  • Adding vertical space 

Have a purpose for your organization, and if you need to have your balsamic vinaigrette out on display, so be it. Have your daily use items accessible and make it all about you! 

You could be fancy and get a tray to store your beautiful essentials. 

Or you could also use multi-purpose organizers to keep your essential everyday items accessible yet off the counters. 

Our last tip is to make this organization your own; each space is different, and what works for you might not be what works for others. So really, taking a tally of your lifestyle and habits is what creates the best organization that not only looks put together but stays put together. The key is to sustain those nifty DIYs and make use of them. We really hope you got some ideas to take on your next kitchen projects, tag us if you put up any Juniper Honey products on display!

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